Главная » 2015 » Апрель » 6 » Контрольная работа по английский языку 9 класс 1 четверть
Контрольная работа по английский языку 9 класс 1 четверть
1) Put the words into the gaps.

concentration treasure alone private reach earned whisper investigating hold fair

1. I lost ___________for a moment and missed what the teacher was saying.

2. She said it in a ________ so I couldn’t hear.

3. “_______Island” is an adventure story by Rovert Louis Stevenson.

4. That evening Mike was ______in the house.

5. I ________fifty dollars working at the post-officer.

6. You can’t park there, it’s a ______driveaway.

7. We’ll never ______ London before dark.

8. Life is not always ______.

9. Can you _______ my bag for a moment?

10. The police are ________ the mystery.

2) Put prepositions where it is necessary

1. We all enjoyed _____ ourselves at the movies.

2. Ann gently pushed him_____.

3. ____general the weather here is very good.

4. She typed the details ____ a computer.

5. Daniel looked ____his watch

6. I have not read the book, I have only looked _____ it.

3) Write the words in brackets in the right form.

1. I’ve met her once before, so she’s not a complete (strange) for me.

2. I have a strange (feel) that I’ve seen you somewhere.

3. “Hello” is a (week) magazine.

4. You can find (chemic) products everywhere.

4) Put Present Participle or Past Participle.

1. The stranger’s (smile) face was kind.

2. The news (bring) by my friend was exciting

3. Have you noticed the (break) kitchen window?

4. The class was busy (work)

5. I love to look at (play) children.

5) Cross out the odd word.

1. novels, plays, poems, children

2. growing, whispered, playing, smiling

3. type, write, read

6) Make V-ing forms.

1. I had a lot of trouble (find) the book you wanted.

2. In summer my brother and I go (shop) in the Lake District.

3. The old ladies had a lot of fun (look) through their school photographs.

4. My elder sister hates (cook), she prefers to eat out.
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