Главная » 2016 » Январь » 16 » Диагностическая работа по английскому языку 10 класс ФГОС
Диагностическая работа по английскому языку 10 класс ФГОС
Задание №1. Выберите слово, которое наиболее подходит по смыслу.

1. She ... red when she heard the news.

а) grow b) turned с) has felt d) looked

2. Refrigerating meat … the spread of bacteria.

a) retards b) retarding с) to retard d) is retarding

3. Twenty-five percent of Ecuador’s population speak Quechus … .

a) mainly b) only с) voluptuously d) still

4. They had their own set of house keys so that they could … themselves … after school.

a) get, out b) be, in c) get, off d) go, out

5. Finally, the doctor … waiting for us …

a) got tired of b) came out c) kept off d) went away Points: 5

Задание №2. Употребите a/ an, the, nothing (-), где это необходимо.

What … interesting books! a) a b) an c) the d) -

2. Give me … match, please. a) the b) a c) - d) an

3. Which would you like … apple or … orange? a) a b) an) c) - d) the

4. All … cars have wheels. a) a b)an c) the d) -

5. Will you be at … home tomorrow? a) a b) an c) the d) -

Points: 5

Задание №3. Преобразуйте слова, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию текста.

Jerry stared worriedly out of the window. He had been up

studying most of the night and now his exam was about to start.

Even though he had revised the same things again and again, he

wasn’t at all sure how (1)_________ he would be. It had been SUCCEED

his decision to take this (2)_________, programming course, but OPTION

that didn’t mean he wasn’t eager to pass. In fact, he wanted to get

a good mark as he had hopes of becoming a software (3)_______ . DESIGN

This was Jerry’s golden opportunity but he felt his hand

shaking as he picked up his pen to write his name on the paper.

The exam was particularly (4)________ as he knew his future FRIGHT

Career might be at stake.

He took a deep breath as he opened the exam paper that was

handed to him. This was the moment of truth. Then he gave a little

gasp of (5)_______. He knew the answers to all the questions; all BELIEF

last night’s revision had paid off. He was going to do just fine! Points: 5

Задание №4. Выберите нужный предлог.

1. Do not do many things … the same time. a) at b) on c) in d) upon

2. It’s a small town in the south … England. a) - b) from c) to d) of

3. “Couldn’t we go a little faster? I’m ... a hurry.” a) on b) in c) at d) of

4. You must make… your mind. a) to b) behind c) above d) up

5. We will still be here ... summer. a) in b) on c) at d) to Points: 5

Total score: 20 points.

18 - 20 баллов - "5" 15 - 17 - "4" 12 - 14 баллов -"3" менее 12 баллов - "2"
Категория: Английский язык | Просмотров: 1072 | | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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