Главная » 2016 » Январь » 16 » Диагностическая работа по английскому языку 6 класс ФГОС
Диагностическая работа по английскому языку 6 класс ФГОС
Variant I

I. Fill in blanks.

0. short …shorter…. …the shortest.

slim ……………. …………….
ugly ……………. ……………
careful …………… ……………
honest ..................... ……………
old …………… ……………

II. Complete the sentences.

0. The bike is ..cheaper….. than the car. (cheap)

Bill is ………………….. than John. (talkative)
Paula is ………………….. girl in the class. (polite)
Sally is ………………….. of all. (shy)
George and Ann are …………………. of all. (helpful)
Pam’s dog is ……………….. than Paul’s dog. (fast)

III. Put the verbs into the Present Continuous.

I ….am reading ……(read) the newspaper now.
Listen! The girls ………………… (sing) in the garden.
My mother …………………. (make) tea now.
I …………………… (play) with a ball now.
Look! Bob ………………….. (get) up.
The children …………………… (help) their mother at the moment.

IV. Put the verbs into the Present Simple.

She …drinks…. (drink) milk every morning.
David usually ……………. (cut) the grass on Sundays.
I often ……………….. (help) him.
We …………………. (go) swimming every Saturday.
My son sometimes ……………… (go) with me.
Betsy ………………….. (wash) up every day.

V. Put the verbs into the Simple Present or Present Continuous.

Father always …………………….. (drive) to work.
Today Father ……………………..(go) to work by train.
Mother usually ……………………(cook) dinner in the evening.
At the moment she …………………(bake) a cake.
I ……………………….(help) Mother in the kitchen now.

VI. Fill in the blanks with words sociable, shy, lazy, get on, talkative.

She often chats with Helen at lesson. She is ……………
You don’t often do your homework. You are …………..
He doesn’t like new people. He is ……………
Helen has got many friends. She likes meet new people. She is …………….
The boys are friendly. They ………………. with other children.

Test I (Unit 1-2)

Variant II

Fill in the blanks.

0. short …shorter……… …the shortest…

friendly ……………….. ………………..
big ………………. ……………….
handsome ……………… ………………
plump ………………. ………………
cheerful ……………… ……………….

Complete the sentences.

The bike is …cheaper… than the car. (cheap)
The car is ……………….. than the bike. (expensive)
A mouse is …………………. than a cat. (small)
Bert is …………………… of all. (tall)
Roses are ……………………. of all. (beautiful)
January is ………………….. month in the year. (cold)

Put the verbs into the Present Continuous.

I ...am…reading…. (read) the newspaper now.
Mother ………………..(cook) dinner now.
My brother ……………….(dig) in the garden at the moment.
The children …………………(watch) TV now.
Pete and Sue …………………(have) breakfast.
Listen! The baby …………………(cry).

Put the verbs into the Present Simple.

She ….drinks………(drink) milk every morning.
We usually ……………..(play) basketball every Sunday.
I always ……………….(listen) to music in the evening.
She …………………(have) breakfast at 8 o’clock.
Sam sometimes ……………………(do) his homework.
The students …………………..(learn) English at school.

Put the verbs into the Simple Present or Present Continuous.

It is Sarah’s birthday. Her father always ………………….(do) the shopping.
Sarah …………………(like) chocolate cakes.
Her sister ……………………(make) one for her now.
Her mother ……………………(cook) food at the moment.
They always …………………….(have) a good time at parties.

VI. Fill in the blanks with words good at, helpful, cheerful, honest, polite.

Jane always tells the truth. She is ……………
He often helps his friends. He is ……………
Paul has good manners. He is ……………..
My best friend is strong. He is …………… sports.
My Dad never looks unhappy. He is always ……………
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